Imagine a day where no one in Far North Queensland has to travel far for life-changing surgery.
Where cutting-edge technology is within reach of every family, friend and neighbour. That day is closer than ever, and it starts with you.
Your donation, large or small, can help fund a state-of-the-art surgical robot that will bring advanced, life-changing care to our community.
This technology has the power to transform lives – faster recovery, less pain, and surgery so precise it’s redefining what’s possible.
Our skilled surgeons will be able to perform complex procedures right here, without the burden of long-distance travel.
Help transform health care for our community, so that when someone you care about needs critical surgery, they’ll have access to the very best.

A letter from Dr Wu
We may not know each other personally, but I feel we're connected through a shared love for our Far North Queensland community. I'm Dr Roxanne Wu, Clinical Director of Surgery at Cairns Hospital.Every day, I see firsthand the incredible...