Innisfail hospital boosted

19 Jan 2024


AN Innisfail family has once again dug deep to support their local hospital.
The Catalano Family Foundation has now donated almost $140, 000 towards improving health outcomes in the region, with a focus on their hometown of Innisfail.
The latest donation of $13, 500 to the Innisfail Hospital Friends of the Foundation, has resulted in the purchase of a gynaecological bed and a procedure trolley for the high dependency unit.
Sam Catalano said the family was happy to work with the Innisfail Friends of the Hospital Foundation to provide funding assistance for vital equipment that will help the local community.
“They are truly inspirational, always smiling and actively out in our community fundraising to assist in purchasing much needed equipment for the Innisfail Hospital. We were happy to assist in donating $13, 500 this year,” Mr Catalano said.
The Catalano Family Foundation has previously donated to the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation’s Cancer Care Hub and COVID-19 campaigns, bought a nasal video bronchoscope and motorised patient trolley for Innisfail, a Pentax bronchoscope for Cairns Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, and an assisted trolley and mattresses to Gordonvale Hospital Friends of the Foundation in memory of Sam’s daughter Rose-Marie Dash.
“The Foundation was set up in memory of my late wife Dorothy and daughter Rose-Marie. We will continue to support and help our local community,” Mr Catalano said.
Innisfail Hospital Friends of the Foundation President Estelle Koppe expressed her gratitude to Mr Catalano and daughter Leanne Sultana for their continuing support to the branch in making it possible to buy vital equipment to our hospital for patient care.
Cairns Hospital (Staff Specialist) Obstetrician Gynaecologist Joanna Arnold said she had had the privilege of visiting Innisfail Hospital as part of the FROGS team (CHHHS Far Reach Obstetrics and Gynaecology Service) for 15 years.
“A team of two gynaecologists visit Innisfail nearly every fortnight. We see women who require gynaecology review at Innisfail Hospital to provide them with the care they need, without travelling to Cairns. We can arrange for minor surgical procedures to be completed at Innisfail Hospital with the support of the Innisfail Hospital GP Anaesthetists and surgical team,” Dr Arnold said.
“Up until now, we have had only one gynaecology examination couch available, which means women waiting for a particular procedure or check-up must wait until the doctor using that procedure room is free. With two rooms fully functional, we can get through the day’s work without delay and not have patients having to wait their ‘turn’. With the support of the Innisfail Hospital Friends of the Foundation and particularly the Catalano Family Foundation, we hope to improve the experience of our clients who really deserve the same level of care as patients in any larger hospital,” she said.
High Dependency Unit Nurse Unit Manager Birgit Mertens said the procedure trolley would facilitate immediate access to clinical needs for inpatients and staff, containing all the equipment necessary for prompt care at bedside.
“As well, it provides the work platform, sharps container and bin to improve the clinical work environment,” Ms Mertens said.
Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation CEO Gina Hogan said the latest Catalano Family Foundation donation was another example of the strong community support received by the Innisfail Friends of the Foundation.
“These very active volunteers are constantly in their community, selling raffle tickets, holding golf days and it’s great that others in the community see their efforts and reach out to help where they can,” Mrs Hogan said.
“Thank you to Sam Catalano and his daughter Leanne for their ongoing support of health services in the region and recognising how they can help others in their community,” she said.
The Catalano Family Foundation also has donated to other causes such as Angel Flight, Royal Flying Doctors, Black Dog Institute, Diabetics Australia and the Wesley Hospital.

Photos: Johanne Stitt, Innisfail Hospital Emergency Department Nurse Unit Manager Romy Clark, Director of Nursing/Facility Manager Michelle Slater, Sam Catalano (Catalano Family Foundation), Leanne Sultana (Catalano Family Foundation), Innisfail Hospital Friends of the Foundation Estelle Kopp and Foundation CEO Gina Hogan.
High Dependency Unit and Oncology Clinical Nurse Simone Jiggens-Anderson, Michelle Slater, Johanne Stitt, Gina Hogan, Estelle Kopp, Sam Catalano, Leanne Sultana.



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