Vollie Q&A

29 Sep 2023

Name: Bev Lang
Age: 89 years
Have you always lived in FNQ? If not, where did you come from and how long have you been here? No! Sydney, NSW, lived in Cairns – 31 years
Volunteer role: B Block information desk
How long have you been volunteering with us? 21 years
How did you come to start volunteering with us? I started doing the craft stall with Lona Hickling and several other valuable and talented ladies. We started the first stall
(monthly) and then to a room in B Block in old car park. The Craft group started in first floor B Block and the first stalls started outside SeaBreeze Café in B Block. Simultaneously,
we did various fundraising activities including raising funds for the childrens playground at Cairns Base Hospital.
Star sign: Virgo
Interests, hobbies, past-times: Shopping, basketball (Taipans inaugural member), knitting, sewing, baking (for craft), crosswords and reading.
Tell us about your family? Three children (two deceased), three granddaughters and one great granddaughter (four years old)
What do you do with yourself when you are not helping us? Meet regularly with old friends from the hospital, do some activities in the interests above and look after (spoil) “Choo” my loved cavoodle (16yo)
Are you retired? If so, what did you do before leaving the workforce? Yes. After boarding school I went into tailoring with my mother then into the private printing industry
thence to government printing office (NSW) as a bookbinder. I retired after 17 yeas there as officer in charge of information for government clients.
What do you enjoy about volunteering with us? Interaction with patients and staff at Cairns Hospital and the wonderful friends over many years.

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