$28, 000 raised for FNQ sick kids

20 Apr 2023

Woolworths customers across the Far North have positively impacted the lives of hundreds of sick and injured kids, raising $28,126 for the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation as part of this year’s Woolworths Easter Fundraising Appeal.
All funds raised will help the Children’s Hospital Foundation support local hospital and health services across the state, through funding life-saving medical research, vital new equipment and support and entertainment for children and their families.
Since 2016, local Woolworths customers have now raised $173, 000 for sick and injured FNQ kids through the annual Easter Fundraising Appeal. This has helped to fund projects such as patient beds for when a parent needs to stay with a sick child, the Deadly Heart Trek for Rheumatic Heart Disease and contributed to the Paediatric Playground at Cairns Hospital.
Children’s Hospital Foundation CEO Lyndsey Rice thanked Woolworths customers for digging deep for sick kids this Easter.
“Most of us have been touched or know someone who has been touched by childhood illness or injury at some point in their lives – we would like to thank every Queenslander who supported this year’s Woolworths Easter Fundraising Appeal to make a difference in the lives of these children.
“Their incredible generosity helps us put the funds in the right places, to ensure every child has every chance to thrive, regardless of where they live,” she added.
Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation CEO Gina Hogan also paid tribute to generous support throughout the Far North.
“Our community always digs deep when we ask for their support and this is another beautiful example of that support,” Mrs Hogan said.
“Parents know that when your child is sick, you want the best possible care close to home and that’s our aim with this campaign. The 2023 tally is $9000 more than last year and that’s a great outcome for our sick patients. Congratulations also to Woolworths Earlville, which was the top fourth store in the state.”
r She added that the Foundation would work with clinicians from the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service on equipment or services to help improve outcomes for sick kids in FNQ.

Photo: Six-year-old Aria Bahnemann was the face of the 2023 FNQ Woolworths Easter Fundraising Appeal.


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