FROM a challenging yet rewarding year, the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation has emerged stronger and more dynamic than ever before.
The Foundation’s annual report indicates it provided more than $1.32 million in equipment and research to Cairns and Hinterland and Torres and Cape hospital and health services.
Foundation chairman Dr Ken Chapman said it was an extraordinary year in many ways, but the resilience and ability to adapt to change, held the charity in good stead.
“As we all faced the new uncertain reality of COVID-19 and then dealt with the response and recovery, the Foundation adapted to a whole new reality,” Dr Chapman said.
“The traditional ways of doing business were challenged. However, with a positive attitude and a lot of energy and engagement from the entire team, a lot was achieved in 2020-2021,” he said.
And the year’s financial results mean the Foundation has now contributed more than $25 million to hospitals from Tully to the Torres Strait during the past 24 years.
Dr Chapman said this year’s grant funding included $701, 000 worth of equipment to Cairns Hospital, almost $38, 000 to Atherton, $18, 000 to Babinda, $28, 970 to Innisfail, $29, 000 to Mareeba, $25, 000 to Mossman Hospital, $8000 to Tully, $18, 000 to Yarrabah Hospital, $38, 000 to Cooktown Hospital and almost $8000 to Weipa Hospital.
Collectively, the Friends of the Foundation groups from Tully to Croydon and Cooktown, raised $256, 567 towards improving healthcare services in their respective communities.
Net profit from commercial operations totalled $892, 307 which was an increase on last year’s result and can be directly related to the COVID-19 restrictions.
For the 2020-21 financial year, the Foundation raised $1.1m in donations, $613, 575 in specific purpose fundraising activities and $182, 450 in bequests.
“This which was a great result in a time when many other charities were on the verge of shutting down,” Dr Chapman said.
The Foundation posted an operating result, before distribution of grants of $2.4 million, compared to the previous year’s result of $2.65 million.