Name: Clinton Pattenden
Age: 56
Role: Chef in Dcafé, master sandwich and wrap designer under the strong influence of Mr T (Tiguana).
Home: I am originally from Sussex which is in the countryside of England surrounded by forests. I moved to Australia in 1991 where I flew into Sydney and with my knife box and suitcase, tried to make Australia my new home. After a year I moved up to Cairns and have stayed out at Yorkeys Knob for the remainder of my stay here.
Foundation: I started with the Foundation as a volunteer just after my wife was finishing her radiation treatment for breast cancer, and after a very funny conversation with Annette who knew my wife because of the Leukaemia Foundation, found myself in D’cafe working alongside Siobhan. I think I am on my 2nd month now and still enjoy the very happy and professional working environment.
Stars: I am a Virgo and most people who are into stars and stuff reckon I am a typical Virgo.
Interests: I have a mixture of interests as I progress through life, first and foremost my biggest interest is keeping my lovely wife Lori happy, once I may succeed in this endeavour I will move onto my children Oliver 16, who is learning how to drive and Henry 14 almost 15 who keeps me busy with soccer and now futsal. I have been known to hit an occasional good golf shot, pretty handy at the snooker table only to scare Mr T, love a good movie especially all the Marvel and DC films, chill out at home reading crime and adventure books. I think Mathew Riley has written some great stories, full of adventure, as soon as you’re into the first paragraph. And as of recently looks like I may be taking up soccer myself very soon, even if it is for the over 45’s.
Home: When I get home most days it is getting the food ready for dinner, completing my exercise routine, quick swim in the pool (75m if I’m having a good day), walk the dog, accidently pop into my mates house have a couple of whiskies then toddle off home and cook a late dinner with the family.
Work: I guess I enjoy working for the Hospital Foundation so much at the moment because I have a bit of stability in my life. Cairns is going through a very rough patch at the moment, and I feel like I am part of something bigger. I may not be with customers all the time but the small engagements I have had with the people coming through D’cafe if I keep a positive energy coming out of me and give a smile or offer of help, you never know how much that small gift you have readily given may alter somebodies day.
I must confess the Foundation does a lot more than what I first envisioned. I knew of essential equipment that has been donated and a little bit about some of the charities like the recent bike ride to Cooktown. The Foundation is a business that is grown on helping the community in any way it can and I am very lucky to be a part of it.