ALMOST $200,000 worth of equipment to improve patient outcomes and ease the patient journey, has been handed over to Mossman Hospital.
Fundraising activities in the past 12 months by the Mossman Hospital Friends of the Foundation (a subsidiary of the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation), resulted in numerous pieces of equipment being installed.
Mossman Friends President Deb Kachel said money for the purchases came from fundraising events such as high teas, lunches, trivia nights, barefoot bowls, as well as the raffles, sausage sizzles, sale of special merchandise, and carpark at the Mossman Show.
“The Mossman Hospital Friends of the Foundation volunteers are extremely grateful for the support of our amazing community; our local businesses and individuals who help us organise events and donate prizes, and community members who attend our events and support our other fundraising efforts,” Mrs Kachel said.
Chief among the equipment bought was more than $72,000 worth of patient monitors, partly funded by an event at Hemingways Brewery Port Douglas, and the Mossman Hospital Friends of the Foundation.
Hospital, Acute and Aged Care Nurse Unit Manager Ruth Crimmins said the patient monitoring system upgrade in the Acute Ward was long awaited.
“This up-to-date tech will enable clinicians to see real time changes in the patient’s condition from various areas of the hospital not just the bedside. It creates a safer environment for the patient and increases the capabilities of this hospital,” Ms Crimmins said.
Mossman Oral Health Staff Dentist Dr Gerry de Waal expressed his gratitude for the $53,836 new dental chair.
“Our patients have noticed and commented on our new chair and are just as grateful as the staff to have this modernised version. We look forward to treating patients with all the latest functions. Gerry and Shelley are a very Happy Dental Team,” Dr de Waal said.
Infusion Clinic Clinical Nurse Tanya Clarke paid tribute to Mossman’s Pink in the Tropics and local branch of the Leukemia Foundation for donating a total of four infusion chairs to the service.
“Often patients are required to sit for long periods of time while receiving their infusion, these new chairs enhance patient comfort by offering various positions and swivels to maintain good circulation and finding the perfect patient fit,” Ms Clarke said of the $29,000 equipment.
“They also offer height adjustments for medical and nursing staff to perform procedures and overall improve patient outcomes. We could not be happier with this high-quality equipment thanks to the generous support of our local community care groups and Mossman Hospital Friends of the Foundation”.
Director of Nursing & Midwifery & Facility Manager Peter LeGriffon paid tribute to the Mossman Rotary Club for donating the design and build of a sturdy gazebo structure through the Mossman Hospital Friends of the Foundation.
“Crafted for durability and all-weather use, it is now the centrepiece for an envisioned sensory garden setting and close by retreat for patients and visitors outside of the hospital space,” Mr LeGriffon said of the $25,000 gift.
Patient comfort in the outpatient waiting area has been eased with the donation of $6800 worth of stabilised, padded seating.
Emergency Department Associate Nurse Unit Manager Patricia Wheeler said sometimes waiting to be seen can seem a lot longer when seated in stiff, plastic chairs.
“Patients and visitors can now sit in comfort with stabilised, padded seating, finished in an eye-catching cultural design.”
A new exercise bike has been welcomed by clinicians and patients of the physiotherapy clinic.
Senior Physiotherapist Jonathon Papastamatis said the $2329 bike was used almost daily to assess and rehabilitate patients across the cardiac rehabilitation program, physiotherapy outpatient service and in respiratory care.
“I’d like to thank the Mossman Hospital Friends of the Foundation for their generosity and help in improving and diversifying our clinical capabilities in the physio space,” he said.