Family supports local patients

5 Dec 2022

CHILDREN and adults who need to be intubated for dental and other procedures in Innisfail, now can, thanks to the Catalano family.
Through the Catalano Family Foundation, Innisfail Hospital Friends of the Foundation and the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation, Innisfail Hospital now has a nasal video bronchoscope for use on children and adults.
Clinicians will be able to use the nasal video bronchoscope on patients who may have an obstruction, or for the renewed paediatric dental surgical service.
Innisfail Hospital Acting Director of Medical Services Dr Thomas Coombs expressed his gratitude to everyone who brought the gift to fruition.
“We feel very lucky to have such generous donors who bring state of the art equipment to Innisfail Hospital that not only provides high quality critical care for patients but creates a training environment for the next generation of junior doctors to Innisfail and the Cassowary Coast,” Dr Coombs said.
"With the dentist needing access to oral structures, placing the tracheal tube to provide breathing support through the nose is often necessary. The bronchoscope purchased by the Catalano family allows direct visualisation of the tracheal tube path through the nasopharynx and the vocal cords.
“In addition to this benefit in paediatric dental anaesthesia, the bronchoscope can provide assistance in airway support for patients with upper airway obstructions due to swelling or foreign bodies.”
The $20, 000 piece of equipment is the latest gift to health care in FNQ from the Catalano Family Foundation, bringing their contribution to $113, 000.
Previously they bought a $25, 000 motorised patient trolley for Innisfail, a $55, 000 Pentax bronchoscope for Cairns Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, and $13, 000 to Gordonvale Palliative Care for an assisted trolley and mattresses in memory of Sam’s daughter Rose-Marie Dash.
The Catalano Family Foundation was established in memory of Sam Catalano’s late wife Dorothy and daughter Rose-Marie.
“My life has been a long and hard road, I have made some good and bad decisions along the way, like we all do. I can now spend time and give back to the local community that can help and hopefully change or have an effect of someone's life for the better,” Mr Catalano said.
“The Innisfail Friends of the Hospital Foundation do a remarkable job, actively out in our community fundraising to make life a little easier when you are sick.  They are amazing. A special mention to Estelle Kopp and her team, who are true ambassadors for the Innisfail area and are so passionate about their work and makes gift giving a truly rewarding experience.”
The Catalano Family Foundation, has also generously donated this year:
* $13, 000 to Gordonvale Palliative Care for Assisted Trolley and mattresses in memory of Sam's Daughter Rose-Marie Dash
* $24, 000 to Royal Flying Doctors Service for Syringe Drivers on Aeromedical flights
* $15, 000 to Black Dog Institute to support Teenage Mental Health
* $15, 000 to Wesley Medical Research to support Gut Microbes and Coeliac Disease
"Gift giving is rewarding and gratifying experience, it does give you a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping others.  I am truly honored to be on this journey with Dad, it is really hard to loose your mother and sister, its just Dad and me now.   It is an amazing legacy he has created and I am excited to continue his work and contribute to the well being of others."  Until we started the Foundation, you don't really understand how many charitable organisations are out there actively fund raising for all sorts of causes. We actively look for causes and organisations that would use our help and it does make you realise just how lucky we are," Sam's daughter Leanne Sultana said.
Innisfail Friends of the Hospital Foundation Estelle Kopp paid tribute to Mr Catalano and his daughter Leanne Sultana for their support once again.
"We’d like to offer our sincere thanks and gratitude for the ongoing support donating annually, allowing the purchase of vital equipment for patient care into our hospital providing high quality care for adults and children,” Mrs Kopp said.
Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation CEO Gina Hogan paid tribute to all who brought the equipment purchase together.
“Without the hard-working Innisfail Friends of the Foundation being so active in the community, and without the Catalano Family Foundation’s generosity, gifts like this couldn’t happen,” Mrs Hogan said.
“No one likes to think they’ll need this equipment, but we all know someone who has and if we can help by ‘putting the icing on the cake’ then it might just save someone’s life, or many lives. That’s what it’s all about,” she said.

Photo: Leanne Sultana, Sam Catalano, Registered Nurse Madeleine Curry, Innisfail Friends of the Foundation President Estelle Kopp and Innisfail Hospital’s Dr James Boland.


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