21 YEARS ago a big blow was coming and Leanne Marziano was heavily pregnant.
At 31 weeks, her waters broke and a week later Alex was born via emergency caesarean section at the then Cairns Base Hospital, to her and husband Joe.
The precious bub spent five weeks in the hospital’s then Special Care Baby Nursery, just because he arrived so early and a few months later the family moved closer to their support networks in Canberra.
This week is the first time Alex, now a strapping 21-year-old at 172cm tall, has visited the Far North since his birth.
He and his family also donated $2100 to the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation in honour of his 21 years and to help other families in need.
“The staff at the Special Care Nursery were so amazing to us all – they probably saved all three of us in some way, at that time,” Mrs Marziano said.
With a birth weight of 1380g and being 42cm long, baby Alex spent a couple of days in a humidicrib and then growing to a weight the clinicians were happy with him being released from medical care.
“It was just an amazing time for us all really and as this is Alex’s 21st birthday, we thought this would be a perfect time to come back and show him where he was born,” she said.
Foundation CEO Tony Williamson thanked the family for the gift, which would be put aside for equipment for the Special Care Nursery.
“Gifts like this are really special – often hospital staff and even our Foundation staff and volunteers don’t realise the impact they have on people, but it can be far-reaching and that’s why the work we do is so important,” Mr Williamson said.
“We’re grateful for every donation like this and of course because all our costs are covered by our commercial activities, every cent of every donation goes where it’s intended,” he said.
Cairns Hospital Special Care Nursery Nurse Unit Manager Donna Martin was grateful for the opportunity for staff to meet the family again. Kathy Wheeler was one of the nurses at the time that cared for Alex and his family.
“It is quite special for Kathy, Alex, Leanne and Joe to meet again 21 years down the track and it’s truly wonderful for this family to come back for a visit. And of course, their gift means with the Foundation’s help, we’ll be able to buy something that will help other families in similar circumstances,” Ms Martin said.
Photo: Special Care Nurse Kathy Wheeler who cared for baby Alex 21 years ago, the Marziano family, Foundation CEO Tony Williamson