Vollie Q&A – Lynley Brighting

3 Dec 2020

Age: 65
Have you always lived in FNQ? If not, where did you come from and how long have you been here?
I have been in Cairns since 1989 and am originally from New Zealand.
Volunteer role
Information desk, raffle seller, fundraising helper
How long have you been volunteering with us?
15 years
How did you come to start volunteering with us
It was suggested to me by the volunteer people in the city.
Star sign:
Interest, hobbies, past-times?
Animals, family, art, singing, choral society, photography, swimming
Tell us about your family – kids, grandkids, great grandkids?
I have five children and 14 grandchildren. One daughter and four sons.
Are you retired? If so, what did you do before leaving the workforce?
I am on a disability pension due to two major road accidents but I was a photographer for more than 10 years.
What do you enjoy about volunteering with us?
I love being a part of a great lot of people from all walks of life – young and older. I hope I can continue for many years yet.
Do you have any funny tales about volunteering with us?
There are so many that I won’t tell but we have a laugh most days. Recently a lady came up and asked where she should take a kidney stone. We suggested pathology and when leaving she turned round and said “It’s not even mine!” But it’s a place where you can support those who are scared, worried or obviously grieving. It’s my main purpose some days, to get up. My eldest son has had three heart attacks. The first is what is called by Dr Greg Starmer a widow maker. He was wind surfing at the time and only 38. He then had another two heart attacks. He said to me that he wouldn’t have lived if it hadn’t been for the Foundation as they had raised the money for the catheter lab. He would not have made it to Townsville. He had to be flown by the Royal Flying Doctors to have a defibrillator inserted but now with more money being raised, he can have any further procedures here.


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