Bunnings boosts cardiac

22 Jul 2020

The Bunnings community sausage sizzle is BACK!!! – Great News Cairns
The smell of cooking sausages and onions will once again be a hallmark of a Bunnings shopping session. The Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation team is ecstatic the first Cairns fundraising barbecue will be this Saturday in aid of the QSuper Cardiac Challenge.
Riders Marilyn Dunne and Lee Ross have pulled together a team of willing volunteers to help them feed the masses as part of their fundraising aims.
“We all love Bunnings sausage sizzles and we’re so thrilled to have the first one back after COVID-19 shut all these things down,” Mrs Dunne said.
They have undertaken a special Bunnings induction which was a condition of them being granted permission to hold the fundraising barbecue.
The pair are excited to ride in the fundraising bike ride to Cooktown in September, with both having registered in the ebike pack.
“You still pedal and it’s still hard work, but the bike helps you with stored energy as you go up the hills,” Mrs Dunne said.
Bunnings has put a lot of thought into keeping customers and community groups safe and we feel supported by them and confident with the new safety measures in place. Bunnings will be trialling a new layout that promotes physical distancing with separate ordering and pick up points to allow 1.5m distancing. There’s also increased cleaning processes and hygiene requirements. And there are additional team members rostered and new signage to guide customers.
“We’ll be following COVID-19 and food handling guidelines which includes physical distancing, cleaning standards and health and hygiene protocols.”
2020 will be the 14th time the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation has hosted the QSuper Cardiac Challenge fundraising bike ride.  With formal approval only received last week, subject to a COVID-19 safe plan being adhered to, there are still a few places left for any keen bicycle riders in the North.
Foundation Fundraising & Marketing Manager Glenys Duncombe said Bunnings  community sausage sizzles were a popular pastime in Australia and she knew the fundraising team would be very busy this Saturday from 9am.

Bunnings Chief Operating Officer Deb Poole said: “Earlier this month we were excited to bring sausage sizzles back to Tasmania and the Northern Territory and community groups did a fantastic job adapting to the new physically-distanced layout and hygiene measures designed to keep everyone safe.  
“We know community groups and customers in other states are just as keen to see them return, so we’re really excited to be bringing them back to Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia this weekend.”
“While our community groups are taking a number of extra precautions, what hasn’t changed is the great feeling of supporting a local community group and the unmistakable taste of an Aussie sausage, bread and sauce,” Deb said.
Bunnings suspended community sausage sizzles in March due to COVID-19. For community groups that were booked over the following month, Bunnings donated $500 gift cards to these local organisations to assist with their fundraising activities.
Community groups who had sausage sizzles pre-booked during the lockdown are being prioritised for the restart with over two hundred groups booked for this weekend in QLD, SA and WA.
Changes made to enhance customer and community safety:

•    Separate ordering and pick-up points to allow for 1.5m’ physical distancing
•    Increased cleaning processes and hygiene requirements
•    Increased signage to guide customers
•    Additional team members rostered to encourage physical distancing

 The QSuper Cardiac Challenge is an annual fundraising bike ride from Cairns to Cooktown, raising funds for Cardiac Services in FNQ from September 19-21.
To register or donate visit HERE.


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