Member for Cairns Michael Healy and Mayor Bob Manning have joined together to thank the Cairns and District Chinese Association (CADCAI) for their kind donation of more than $25,000 worth of face masks and protective equipment.
The Association was looking for a way to directly and positively impact the health and well-being of the incredible health care workers in our local community and providing more PPE was one way they could do that.
CADCAI President Melanie Kingsley and past president Michael Aw sent out a call to their members and quickly raised $25, 000 to purchase the equipment and get it sent to Cairns.
Shenzhen Kingsdom Technology Co Ltd is the Chinese Company that donated the products and local Cairns company Pioneer Travel assisted CADCAI with the cost of the freight, duties and GST.
“This is an enormously generous and kind donation and I thank CADCAI and their hardworking members on behalf of our cities Health professionals and residents” Mr Healy said.
“It’s at times like this where we see real community values shine through and our CADCAI group are reflecting that in this kind donation” he said.
Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation CEO Tony Williamson said the outpouring of community support for the health workers and patients was astounding.
“We’re seeing this as well in our fundraising campaign for the coronavirus equipment, which only has $512, 686 remaining to go,” Mr Williamson said.
CADCAI President Melanie Kingsley said it was a wonderful to be a part of the combined gesture from Shenzhen Kingsdom Technology Co Ltd, Pioneer Travel and the local Cairns Chinese Community to be able to assist the health care professionals of Cairns.
Mayor Manning said Cairns shared a long and valued cultural and commercial relationship with the Chinese community, forged more than a century ago when they played an important role in the early economic growth of our region.
“This connection remains today with our local Chinese community and through a sister-city relationship with Zhanjiang in China,” Cr Manning said.
“I know there were individuals who worked very to get this personal protective equipment to us; they truly embody the spirit of Cairns and its community.
“This is what community is all about, being there and helping one another in times of crisis, and today we stand together in meeting this threat and in looking after each other.”
For more information on the Foundation fundraising campaign, visit www.fnqhf.org.au/coronavirus
Photo: Michael Aw, Tony Williamson, Michael Healy and Melanie Kingsley.