COVID-19 in FNQHF sights

3 Apr 2020

LOCAL communities outside Cairns will have the best equipment to tackle COVID-19, thanks to contributions from the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation.
Foundation chairman Dr Ken Chapman said the team was now working on a strategy to bring almost $2.4 million to seven hospitals throughout the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service.
“As we’ve all seen, this virus is not contained to the big cities, it is spreading everywhere and by supporting the small hospitals with the equipment they tell us they’d like, we’re supporting everyone,” Dr Chapman said.
“Several hospitals within the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital Service need extra help right now due to anticipated demand from COVID-19. Cairns Hospital along with the Mossman, Mareeba, Atherton, Yarrabah, Babinda, Innisfail and Tully hospitals all need equipment over-and-above what the governments provide and in addition to current money raised,” he said.
The Foundation has already raised almost $670, 000 thanks to generous support from the Sekler Family, Wilson Family and others.
These funds will be used for baby ventilators, humidifiers, infusion pumps, syringe drivers, ultrasounds, defibrillators, vital signs monitors, high flow oxygen machines and 100 mattresses.
Foundation Chief Executive Officer Tony Williamson said orders for that equipment have already been placed.
“We now have a new list from the health service where they’ve identified equipment not just for Cairns but also for Mossman, Mareeba, Atherton, Yarrabah, Babinda, Innisfail and Tully hospitals,” Mr Williamson said.
Hospitals within the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service are well prepared for COVID-19. These hospitals have identified there is extra equipment that will help them better care for an expected influx of patients with COVID-19.
“While the State Government has provided significant funding, community support can provide additional medical and intensive care equipment that will have far reaching benefits to all in the Far North,” Mr Williamson said.
“Delivering this list of urgent equipment will help ensure we have the best care possible for our communities.
“We are committed to ensuring everyone in this region has access to the best possible health care and equipment at our local hospitals. “
The extra equipment includes items such as ventilators, ipads to assist with telehealth, resuscitation trolleys, oxygen regulators, videolaryngoscopes, highflow oxygen devices, CPAP machines and wheelchairs.
“The total amount sought in this round is $2, 377, 231 but that’s broken down into amounts of between $200, 000 and $300, 000 in those outlying hospitals and $566, 00 for Cairns Hospitals,” Mr Williamson said.


Photo: Foundation CEO Tony Williamson and chairman Dr Ken Chapman are dedicated to bringing the charity's largest fundraising campaign to fruition.

Call our fundraising office on 4226 6327 now or donate online at


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